The Master Builder=888
We will begin here with two points of reference. First, the Great Pyramid was considered a Unity and as such each of its measures can be shown to be derived from the division of this unity. Second, because of the stripping of external casing stones, and the simple wear and tear of centuries, the original measures have been slightly altered and the true measures reflecting this division of Unity have been deliberately skewed by most modern investigators – including Cole. All measures of the Great Pyramid are derived from 1/π=.318….which is to say Aleph, the first Hebrew letter divided by the Elohim=3.1415.
The Ox of Taurus, above which is The Pleiades.
Taking unity, 1/π, and raising it up by a standard of measure in one Earth day of 24 hours, elevated by 1000, gives 1/π x 2400= 763.9437268 which provides a base division for each side of the pyramid to be equivalent to 600, so that 600×4 = 2400, or 6×4 = 24 etc.; this reflects symmetry. Now it can be shown that each side of the Great Pyramid was intended to disclose the measure of 764 feet approximately. If we recall the various usage of the base six in the development of our Adamic Square we realize 600 really denotes an elevation of such a value to conceal the quaternary division of one revolution of earthly time. From this factor of six we can reconstruct the Great Pyramid in its entirety.
764 feet corresponds to roughly 232 m thus giving an approximation of 930 m, (a shortened form of the distance from the Earth to the Sun), for the perimeter circumference and 93 equals 31×3; or 1/π x 9600= 3055.774907 feet respectively. From this measure we can obtain the height and the hypotenuse for the Great Pyramid.
1/π x 2400 x ∅=618 feet for the hypotenuse
1/π x 2400/2 x √(∅)= 486 feet for the height
This gives us our previous measured forms for the 3:4:5 triangle taking the height as ∅ or unity.
The Pythagorean Pyramid of Cheops
Based upon: 1:√(∅ ):∅
The Pythagorean Pyramid of Cheops
3=486 feet
4=1/π x 1200=381.98 feet
5=618 feet
By this we can determine that the base of the pyramid was constructed for the usage of its median right triangle, whose edges of the pyramid hypotenuse (5) and the half base side (4) and the height (3) are the mathematical proportions of the order 1:√(∅ ):∅ as 3:4:5, or as 1:4/π=∅, etc. This produces a geometrical progression alongside of its arithmetic progression. The angle with the tangent √(∅) corresponds to the angle that the side of the pyramid makes with the ground, which is roughly 51.84° to 51° 53’ of arc, which according to Johannes Kepler, was the so-called Golden Triangle. ( Herz-Fischler gives 51° 50′ 40”, and 51.84° respectively) This provides us with a standard angular value which connects it directly with the occult numbers (see below, 5153-5184) and the cubit. The conversions of the Metrical and the IS are also evident as 1 m equals 39.366 inches for a corrected value.
Our rational basis for the cubit is not determined by the length from the forefinger to the elbow, rather from an occult understanding of lunar sidereal and synodic time, hence we derive 20.612 inches from the Messiah (656) which is but one day/month/year of the Moon in hours. According to Stecchini 20.612 inches was the value utilized in the Pyramid architecture, which is another way of saying π/ 6= 0.523598776 m.
The Cole survey of 1925 is the most recent survey of the Pyramid and he gives the following measures for the square base platform. This platform was elevated 20.612 inches above the ground.
NE to SW axis=325 meters (2132 feet)
NW to SE axis=325 meters (2132 feet)
Kepler triangle
Kepler triangle
In order to divide the two pyramid forms in the Golden, or Kepler triangle, we put into use the angles of the hypotenuse in connection with the height, as of “the Stone” = Ahben = 53°, “the stone which the builders rejected”, the summit of the Height where the two lines intersect in the capstone, which usage signifies the Earth core and a quantum value of Light.
All of this takes place within the electromagnetic Cube of Space which contains the Sphere.
The cube is a symbol of truth expressed on the physical plane and it must be understood here first before we can fully appreciate the metaphysical proportion arising from the esoteric harmony, which can never be absolute on the physical plane. Paul Foster Case gave consideration to this fact and rhetorically asked, “Why a cube? The knowledge that awareness of unity with the Originating Principle, of the identity of the Son with the Father, is a real experience of human beings involving the activity of an actual point within the human brain, the point that means sanctum sanctorum, at once a center in the brain having the experience and at the same time a point in space, from which lines may be conceived as radiating in every direction”. (The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order)
The unitary cube volume, which is divided into two thirds and one third by its geometrical fractions or harmonies, that is by its unique division of volume into the special numerical properties of two and three, is a thought that was made clear by Schwaller De Lubicz:
“The volume is the form, but the perfect sphere has no form, it is the amniotic sac containing all, it is the transcendental form for volumes, just as unity is the transcendental number for the numbered numbers. It represents the first expanse. The surface, which appears to us as the limit of a form, as a sectioned form, is the definition of the size of that form. This definition is temporal, that is, present, and is not definitive. In the numerating number itself, variable in time. Essentially number is triangular, and remains so through all the forms that are composed of this triangular principle. Similarly, the volume form can only be composed of volume, the surface, being the measure of the sizes of the volume or form, can only be composed of surfaces. It is through the mystery of the ternary that the transcendent unity becomes actual, and it is by the duality in the ternary that the unity becomes a measure of a thing. The surface 3×3×3 defining the volume and 2×2×2 defining the surface”.
In ancient Egypt the unit of capacity and volumes utilized in the measure of grains and cereals was the ‘hekat’. Mysteriously this same unit of capacity and volume measures was also used to coordinate planetary cycles. For example, in order to determine Mars’ year, we first find our cubit and then divide it by 30, since the 30th part of a cubic cubit (the hekat) gives 20612÷30 = 687, which we observe to be the orbital period of Mars in numbers. We can then raise this up by π to obtain the diameter of the Moon and correspondingly work out our planetary tables in which Mars year of 687 days creates the volume form containing the Earth, Venus, and Mercury. Such was the secret importance of the cubits among the ancient initiates. The volume in this instance would be the area covered in 687 days of Mars rotation around the Sun.
In the context of our discussion we want to remain focused on two important numerical displays which Schwaller highlighted, each of which determine space, first by the surface and lastly by the volume. These he shows are cubical (333) and superficies (222). If we simply multiply these numbers as they stand we can obtain our Pythagorean Lambda in 27 and 8 for our first forms, but here we want to first cube each of these numbers in order to obtain the volume of the cube that we are looking for, since 9x9x9 =729 and 4x4x4 = 64 etc.
According to Schwaller, the cubic cubit, “was governed by the Pharaonic division of a unitary cubic volume into 2/3 (the khar) and the division of the hekat ( 1/30 of the cubic cubit) into 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 and 1/64. This system associates the division of the volume by 3 with the division by 2… Volume is space, in principle without form. Mystically, it must be reduced into form as 1, 2/3, and 1/3. Space having no form, in contracting itself into volume is reduced by 1/3, the sphere having 2/3 the volume”.
We can surmise here a unique correspondence between these harmonically distributed form building matrices, and the Qabalistic order of Amesh. Since Aleph signifies the neutral center and Mim and Shin the magnetic and electric forces, therefore, the ternary division of these three must in some unknown way also claim our recognition in determining any particular volume we seek to erect. Amesh determines all volumes and at the same time orders each of the Hebrew letters accordingly. By virtue of this fact we can reconstruct our cubical volume while simultaneously reproducing our original mystical form of the sphere contained within it. Likewise we can reconstruct our Tree of Life based on the Dual Androgyne, or Adam Kadman. Eliphas Levi referred to this dual principle in his, ‘Key of the Mysteries,’ and made this point abundantly clear. According to him this Dual Androgyne represented the”generative” ability of “a power which generates forms”, “which power” he said, “was light”.
The foundation of form is light, that is, the dual principle of positive and negative charge, cryptically denoted as, ‘male and female’. Thus light is itself an effect of the complementary opposites of this dual form which can only subsist through a medium-term by which provisional equilibrium is maintained. All volumes are constructed based upon this principality of universal concurrence. The Cube of Space being no exception to this rule.
The hekat was a functionary of this ternary coagulation of our unity by the number 30 because, among other reasons, 30 signified the days in a month that provided measures of the mundane year of 30×12 = 360 days. Such a coagulation or contraction of light was also considered the result of the power of the Golden Ratio, which according to Schwaller was octahedral, that is, it contained two superimposed pyramidal structures functioning as a development of the Golden Ratio. It was by the division of such a contraction that a spherical container of 12 and 13 months was able to provide accurate measures for the originating volume, therefore we can determine that measures of such volumes in principle were temporal manifestations of a positive function of coagulated “light” in an androgynous division of Day and Night.
This understanding constitutes the first elaborate erection of the Lost Word, the same Lost Word that Eliphas Levi believed was occasionally written by connecting together 24 dots. In Revelation chapter 4 these 24 dots are symbolized as 24 elders situated “before the throne”, who bow down as 24 intersecting angles inside the cube of space, each handing over the crowns of their Heads as a symbol of their Zodiacal supremacy, in the Aeons of Time. Of this so-called Word, Albert Pike, 33°, is noted to have said, “the true word of a Mason is to be found in the concealed and profound meaning of the ineffable name of deity,… Which meaning was lost by the very precautions to conceal it. The true pronunciation of that name was in truth a secret, in which, however, was involved the far more profound secret of its meaning. In that meaning is included all the truth that can be known by us, in regard to the nature of God”. (Italics ours)
Elipas Levi confirmed this same thought, according to him; “The cubic stone and its multiplication explains all secrets of sacred numbers, including the mystery of perpetual motion, hidden by adepts and perceived by fools under the name of squaring the circle”.
Inman described a similar perpetual contrasting motions of a spherical body contained in the cube as, “The numbers or emanations of the Heavenly Light (figures 20612 to 6561)… 10 ‘words’, DBRIM, 41224, the light of which they were the flux, was the Heavenly Man, the ADM – KDM (the 144 – 144) and the light by the New Testament or covenant (as 41224) created God, just as the Old Testament God (ALHIM 3.1415) creates light (20612 to 6561)”.
Now ADM KDM is meant to convey the Dual Androgyne (the secret of time) by 144+441 = 585+144 = 729, which is but a variant form of our two principles of Shin and Mim, the combination of which gives 513+414 = 729, etc. Thus the dual form of light and shadow consists of a circular movement. The 10 Debirim must therefore conform to this principle of Day and Night by the secret value of 5 and 5, or two cubic terms of 20612+20612 = 41224″, etc.
Inman goes on to relate, “Now light, as shown, is 20612 to 6561, as the proper enunciation of the integral in numerical relation of diameter to circumference of a circle. God, (ALHIM 3.1415), is the reduction of this, so as to obtain a standard unit one, as the basis, in general of all calculation and mensuration. But for production of animal life, and for a special time measure, or the lunar year, that influence which causes conception and embryonic development. The numbers of the Jehovah measure (“man” even Jehovah measure), viz 113:355, have been specialized. But this last ratio is but a modified form of light or as 20612 to 6561, as a pi value, being only a variation of the same.(that is 20612:6561, is 3.1415 to one as ALHIM or God), and in such a manner that one can be made to flow into and be derived from the other and these are the three steps by which unity and sameness can be shown by divine names. The two are but the variation of the same ratio of π”
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