The Third Eye is the birthing place of your intuition and connection to Divine Realms. By opening your Third Eye, it not only grants you access into the unseen world, but it also releases feel good chemicals that can help to make your life on earth just that little bit easier.

If you want to enhance your Intuition and strengthen your Divine connection, your foundation is going to be your Third Eye.

Anatomically speaking, the Third Eye is also believed to be the Pineal gland. The Pineal Gland is an important part of the brain and is said to regulate our dreams, consciousness and ability to see things that are not in this 3D world.

When your Pineal Gland or Third Eye is closed off, it can manifest as confusion, narrow-mindedness, an inability to see the truth, feeling closed off from your purpose, negative emotions and it can also lower your vibration.

Opening Your Third Eye

The Pineal Gland is prone to calcification and can become blocked off through poor nutrition, preservatives, additives, inorganic foods, processed foods and fluoride. If you want to open your Third Eye, you first need to nourish your Pineal Gland.

If you want to nourish and help decalcify your Pineal, here are some suggestions-

  • Avoid fluoridated water and toothpaste
  • Eat organic and local produce whenever possible
  • Limit your intake of meat
  • Avoid processed foods
  • Avoid carbonated beverages
  • Get plenty of sunshine
  • Eat superfoods rich in antioxidants like cacao, spirulina etc.
  • Eat raw foods with every meal
  • Practice self-love
  • Meditation and deep breathing
  • Avoid using microwaves, cell phones, wi-fi and other devices that emit electromagnetic Radiation (EMF)

Activating Your Third Eye

By nourishing your body with the right nutrition and self-care, it is going to make it a lot easier to hear your intuition, 

There are a few ways you can activate your Third Eye, but this method is one of my preferred favourites.

You will need:

  • Cleansed and charged amethyst crystal
  • Sunshine

This exercise is best done outside in nature and when the Sun is either rising or setting. Please do not do this exercise when the Sun is high in the sky. You can also experiment with doing this on the Full Moon too.

Take your charged crystal and place it in the middle of your forehead, just above your eyes. Take a few deep breaths in and out and as you do this, visualize the purple energy of the amethyst going into your Third Eye and filling it up with activated energy.

Hold the amethyst in place, close your eyes and look up in the direction of the Sun. Keep your eyes closed the whole time. Allow the Sun to warm the crystal and activate it. Once the Sun and your crystal meet, take 7 deep breaths in an out. (Please be careful of your eyes!)

You may need to repeat this exercise a few times, but when used in conjunction with meditation and a healthy diet you will be well on your way to supercharging your Third Eye.



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